Save The Date

A video for your wedding guests to save the date! This virtual shadow show will be tailored with your wedding date and personal message.
This is a shadow show about falling in love, proposing and then setting a date! With your personalised message, it will appear as if we have produced this show specifically for you and your guests!
Show length – 1 minute 15 – 1 minute 30.
An entirely unique way to ask your guests to Save the Date!
- All
- A Christmas Gift
- A Christmas Shadow Show
- Acrobatic duet Ex Team GBR wedding
- Acrobats
- Aerial Hoop
- Aerial Silks
- Ballerinas
- Ballerinas Christmas
- Ballerinas Weddings
- Bespoke Marketing
- Bespoke Shadow Show
- Christmas Lite Acrobats
- Connect Shadow Show
- Contortionists
- Contortionists Weddings
- Costumes
- Evolve Shadow Show
- Ex-Team GBR Acrobatic Duet
- Ex-Team GBR Acrobatic Duet & hand-balancer
- Extreme Contortion
- Giant Snowglobe
- Giant Snowglobe Christmas
- Giant Snowglobe Weddings
- Hand-balance Ex Team GBR weddings
- Hand-balancer Ex-Team GBR
- Large Cirque Shows
- Lite Acrobats
- Lite Ballerinas
- Lollipop Hoop
- Lollipop Hoop
- Lollipop Hoop Christmas
- Lollipop Hoop Weddings
- Olympic Rhythmic Gymnasts
- Save The Date
- The Carousel
- The Lite Circus
- United Kingdom