The Christmas Shadow Show

For clients wanting to hold virtual Christmas parties and events, this is the perfect entertainment for your guests! With your personalised message and logo integrated into the show, it will appear as if we have produced this show specifically for you and your audience.

The Show – Watch as our main character finds a strange Christmas present under the Christmas tree. He opens it and finds a snowglobe with a figure inside. At the same time a snowglobe with figure appears on the large screen behind him. As he shakes his snowglobe, it begins to snow on the large screen and the dancer comes alive. He suddenly finds himself inside this new world and embarks on a magical Christmas journey reuniting with his friends, colleagues and family. Watch as the dancers create images of a reindeer, horse with sledge, snowman, fir tree and even a turkey! The main character awakes to find himself back in the real world. All of a sudden his friends and family join him in celebration. As they dance, tumble and reunite with each other, your unique, personalised message to your guests scrolls across the screen. The show finishes with your logo as the final image.

Show length – 5 and a half minutes.

File arrives as an MP4

Book this show to feature at your virtual online event. Or if you’re looking for a unique Christmas ecard for your staff, then get in touch for us to send the tailored file direct to you!

Mobile: (+44) 07815 105 296